Uutinen 1.7.2004

EU debate switches to the Europe Information website

A discussion forum on EU topics has been opened on the Europe Information website. The Europe Information discussion forum is an open message board on topics dealing with the European Union; those participating in it are free to discuss their own views, comment on the contributions of others and ask questions.

At the same time, the ’My Europe’ chat room (www.minuneurooppani.fi) has been closed and the pages converted into archive form. All discussion to date and all the background information entered in the pages up to the end of June can still be read. The pages will continue to be accessible in the future, but they will no longer be updated.

The ’My Europe’ chat room was opened on 26 October 2001. It was set up to encourage discussion about the direction in which the Finns wanted the European Union to develop. Discussion was open to organizations and individuals alike.

By the end of June 2004, the site had been visited about 60 000 times and a little over 1 000 messages had been left on it. The most vigorous debate has been about the EU Constitutional Treaty, EU enlargement and European Security Policy. Contributors have come from the ranks of EU supporters and the opposition. The discussion on the pages has been extremely varied and it has proved to be a valuable source of information for those following it.

Further information: Miia Lahti, Web Information Officer, tel. +358 9 1602 2161, Government Secretariat for EU Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office

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