Uutinen 7.3.2006

Spring Day in Europe 2006

Spring Day in Europe held on 21 March and On 9 May invites young people to learn about European issues.

Spring Say in Europe was launched in 2003 to raise awareness amongst young people on the future of Europe. It has since then become citizen-driven event on democracy and citizenship. This year the event is held on 21 March and on 9 May. The theme for Spring Day in Europe 2006 is ”Debate Our Future”. It invites young people to learn about European issues and also offers them the possibility to debate and make their voices heard.

The Spring Day is first and foremost aimed at secondary schools but primary schools may also take part in certain activities. Last year 6620 schools in Europe registered to The Spring day. If you wish to take part you can register your school at Spring Day in Europe 2006 or contact national pedagogical advisors. The Spring Day website gives access to all the tools, activities and services schools might need for organising their events and debates. It also offers the latest news to journalists and teachers.

Spring Day 2006 webpages for more information and registration.