Uutinen 9.2.2011

The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation makes it easier with cross-border cooperation

The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperations (EGTC) charter was created in 2006 to give a legal framework for minimizing administration in cross-border projects. Today 16 cross-border regions have started EGTC-groups involving more than 320 public authorities in all of Europe.

The President of The Committee of Regions, Mercedes Bresso, has commented the EGTC-cooperation by saying: “National borders shouldn`t be an issue anymore when two neighbouring regions want to run a hospital or a job centre together”.

The Committee of Regions now creat a EGTC-platform with the aim to follow up suggestions and to share practical experiences. The thought is that each expert and actor in EGTC should participate in the activities of this platform.

Practical experience has showed that there is still some problems to be solved in cross-border cooperation, among others in the allowing of EU-grants. Therefore a number of Mayors and regional presidents have, in January 2011, urged EU-lawmakers to simplify the regulations regarding the providing of cross-border infrastructure and services for citizen. The European Commission also will lay down a proposal to the European Parliament and to the Council before the summer about reevaluating the present regulation.

More information:
EGTC-groups: www.cor.europa.eu/egtc

Regional Information Officer Kari Ruokola
The Europe information Office on Åland